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HAO SHYANG IND.CO.,LTD was established in Taiwan, in 1989 . Unceasing innovation and development, a new ribbon factory was built in China, in 2001. It's in Xinxu Town, Huizhou city of Guangdong province in China. This factory, picks the consistent production method, from dyeing the gauze -> to weave the belt -> to dye entire the stereotypia -> packing, a dragon production line, the product type diverser, the quality is stable. There are major products like Textile Ribbon, Satin Ribbon, Metallic Ribbon, Printing Ribbon, Jacquard Ribbon, Metallic Cord, Riband, Wrapping Ribbon, Gift Wrapping Ribbon, Xmas Ribbon, etc. The service production is more rapid, the price has the competitive ability, pushes the market to the internationalization.
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_haoshyangribbon.html 主营业务:各种织带,绳带,礼品包装带 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:2001年 |
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